Thursday, 19 December 2024



This great woman was born to Ekhaisomhi (fruitful labour is good) and Esiema (It is God who creates and decides). Being born to Muslims, she was called Awawu and his native name was Aleabu (people gather where there is food). It took her time to have a child. She gave birth to Iye and waited for another 8 or 9 years before Cornelius was born. Her two children survived and are still alive. She was indeed a sage. 80% of the stories and riddles I know today came from this woman. During the ceremony of her baptism in 1991, Msgr. Paul Emonyon asked her, mama, what name would you like for baptism? She took a deep breath and said: The name of the woman that wiped the face of Jesus. Pray that God will give me the grace to wipe tears from the face of the suffering and rejected.  This was how she was called Veronica. 
Veronica ALEABU died on December 15, 2006. 


What in a sincere humble life
Is free from bugling strife
In fury, you often feel fired
At a verge of being retired

Then the poser: what next
Any relevant biblical text
To stop the ugly urge to quit
Because of other people’s guilt

Jesus forever remain the only gift
To humanity in any cloudy rift 
This victim with all his suffering
Has become for us a universal king!

So what is the need for suicide?
When all you need is to decide
To unite your life with Christ Jesus
And make life a fun ever precious

TIME HEALS                                                            

That broken heart
Is healed with time
Within your heart
Recall your prime

You can begin again
Don’t be depressed
After the heavy rain
The sun is experienced

Begin all over again
The past time will repair
Your strength, you will regain
Don’t end up in despair

Christ pierced with a nail
Knows that time heals
He never chose to fail
Even with the rabble peals.



Okhifo was born to Omonokhua and Ojio. He was really patient in imparting to his children the wisdom of our ancestors. He continued the dream of his father.  He was selfless, generous and appreciative of any act of kindness done to him. He was a prayer warrior. He woke up every day at 3.00am to pray and praise God for himself, the entire family of Omonokhua and for the world. This is in line with divine mercy prayers. This he did while still a traditional worshipper before he was eventually baptized a Catholic, We are really proud to have him as our father. He died on April 19, 1999. 

OKHIFO, OUR ANAMNESIS                        

Okhifo, you are the reason
For the memories of our past
You are the one, the sage,
Who planted in our minds
The legacy of our heroes past
The legend of our beliefs
The worship of Osinegbe
The good life of our ancestors
How they lived in peace
How they eat and drink
Together in one communion
Are all your sagely wisdom
You are really the reason
We have a past to look at.

OKHIFO, INEXHAUSTIBLE                               

Silence visits Irekpai today
Nature is still and quiet.
The whistling wind
Refuses to rustle
Yet tears flow gently
Like the drizzling rain.

I went in search for the why
The reason was so loud
The ancestors have come
To take away their son
I called and cried loud
Only to hear: Okhifo!

Okhifo inexhaustible!
Okhifo eternal life
So then where are you
Ofo! It is finished
Okhifo is resting forever

Yes, you lived your name
You gave us food and shelter
From your abundance- Okhifo
You great farmer and carpenter
A great teacher and sage
We love you, Rest in peace.